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Features - Page Operations

  • merge-pdfs: With this feature, users can merge multiple PDF documents into a single PDF.

  • split-pdfs: This functionality enables users to split a single PDF document into multiple separate PDFs.

  • pdf-organizer: This feature gives users the ability to rearrange, add, or delete pages within a PDF document.

  • rotate-pdf: With this feature, users can rotate pages within a PDF document to their desired orientation.

  • remove-pages: This feature allows users to remove specified pages from a PDF document.

  • multi-page-layout: This functionality allows users to create a layout involving multiple pages of a PDF.

  • scale-pages: This feature enables users to adjust the scale of pages in a PDF document.

  • auto-split-pdfs: This allows a user to insert physical divider pages between their documents in their scanner to allow S-PDF to auto separate them

  • adjust-contrast: Lets the user adjust the contrast, brightness and saturation

  • crop: Allows user to crop the pages to set size

  • extract pages: Extracts the defined pages from the PDF into a new PDF document

  • pdf-to-single-page: Converts multi pages PDF files into a single long pdf page.

  • split-by-size-or-count: Splits one or multiple PDF files into parts consisting of a maximum file size or page count definde by the user.

  • overlay-pdf: Can merge multiple PDFs into one another (ontop/behind etc) in various ways

  • split-pdf-by-sections: Splits a page in multiple section vertically, horizontally or both. Can be used to split a page in half etc.