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Features - Security

  • add-password: This feature allows users to secure their PDFs by adding a password.

  • remove-password: With this feature, users can remove the password from a secured PDF.

  • change-permissions: This functionality allows users to change the permissions of a PDF, controlling how others can view and edit it.

  • add-watermark: This feature enables users to add custom watermarks to their PDFs.

  • cert-sign: This feature enables users to digitally sign their PDFs using a certificate. For (hand-)written signatures see Features - Additional Utilities --> sign

  • validate-signature: Verify digital signatures and certificates in PDF documents, checking against custom certificate files

  • remove-cert-sign: Removes digital signatures from any inputted PDF

  • sanitize-pdf: This allows the user to remove various things within the PDF which may cause security concern such as javascript, files, links, fonts and metadata.

  • auto-redact: This features lets the user input text (or regex) to be redacted/blacked out from the pdf document.

  • get-info-on-pdf: This grabs all info on a PDF such as version, font types, width height and any and all information it can find and puts it within a formatted JSON doc (or visual tables within UI)